sábado, octubre 08, 2005

Un amigo norteamericano que viene a invertir en Chile en materia de frutas de exportación me ha consultado que es lobby y le doy un concepto en Ingles para que le sea más fácil: lobychile.blogspot.com tambien en chileportal.blogspot.com
LOBBY - A group, organization or association seeking to influence the passage or defeat of legislation. Originally the term referred to persons frequenting the lobbies or corridors of legislative chambers in order to speak to lawmakers.The definition of a lobby and the activity of lobbying is a matter of differing interpretation. By some definitions, lobbying is limited to direct attempts to influence lawmakers through personal interviews and persuasion. Under other definitions, lobbying includes attempts at indirect, or 'grassroots,' influence, such as persuading members of a group to write or visit their district's representative and state's senators or attempting to create a climate of opinion favorable to a desired legislative goal.The right to attempt to influence legislation is based on the First Amendment to the Constitution, which says Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people 'to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'Despite this constitutional protection there are various restrictions and registration requirements concerning lobbying.A 'lobbyist' is the actual person or entity that does the work of the lobby.
Saludos, Rodrigo González Fernández, consultajuridica.blogspot com
LOBBY - A group, organization or association seeking to influence the passage or defeat of legislation. Originally the term referred to persons frequenting the lobbies or corridors of legislative chambers in order to speak to lawmakers.
The definition of a lobby and the activity of lobbying is a matter of differing interpretation. By some definitions, lobbying is limited to direct attempts to influence lawmakers through personal interviews and persuasion.
Under other definitions, lobbying includes attempts at indirect, or 'grassroots,' influence, such as persuading members of a group to write or visit their district's representative and state's senators or attempting to create a climate of opinion favorable to a desired legislative goal.The right to attempt to influence legislation is based on the First Amendment to the Constitution, which says Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people 'to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'Despite this constitutional protection there are various restrictions and registration requirements concerning lobbying.A 'lobbyist' is the actual person or entity that does the work of the lobby.
Definition of lobbying: Rodrigo González Fernandez, consultajuridica.blogspot.com
LOBBY - A group, organization or association seeking to influence the passage or defeat of legislation. Originally the term referred to persons frequenting the lobbies or corridors of legislative chambers in order to speak to lawmakers.The definition of a lobby and the activity of lobbying is a matter of differing interpretation. By some definitions, lobbying is limited to direct attempts to influence lawmakers through personal interviews and persuasion. Under other definitions, lobbying includes attempts at indirect, or 'grassroots,' influence, such as persuading members of a group to write or visit their district's representative and state's senators or attempting to create a climate of opinion favorable to a desired legislative goal.The right to attempt to influence legislation is based on the First Amendment to the Constitution, which says Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people 'to petition the government for a redress of grievances.'Despite this constitutional protection there are various restrictions and registration requirements concerning lobbying.A 'lobbyist' is the actual person or entity that does the work of the lobby.
lOBBYING, Rodrigo González Fernández, lobychile.blogspot.com
"This award confirms that the work we are doing has been appreciated beyond our borders"

07 Oct 2005

The President of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, called the prize he received yesterday in New York from the Council of the Americas an acknowledgment of a country that has made an effort to develop with equality.
"I am very pleased about this award. I feel personally appreciative, but I also receive it in the name of Chile. This award confirms that the work we are doing to start off the 21st century has been appreciated beyond our borders. And I am all the more proud to be receiving this award on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Council of the Americas," commented the President during his speech before more than 100 people invited to the event, which was held at the Americas Society building.
The medal awarded to Lagos is given out annually to democratically-elected heads of state who have contributed to social, political and cultural understanding in the region. The award was begun by David Rockefeller, the founder of the Council of the Americas, in 1965.
In his speech, President Lagos stated that "in the 21st century, I think it is our moral obligation to create the necessary conditions for growth. It is only through growth and competent economic management that we will be able to generate jobs and funds for public policies that can help those sectors of society that have the least."
He also reminded all present that the challenge for Chile and all other countries in the region is "to make our societies freer and more egalitarian, with opportunities for all; societies where respect for human rights is solidly established in the nation’s unconscious."
He added that "while we promote internal cohesiveness and increased democracy, we need to face another challenge. We need to guarantee the rights of our citizens in an increasingly more integrated and more challenging world."
President Lagos continued that "this is a challenge that the countries of America -north, central and south- cannot shrink from. Geography and history determined that we coexist with the earth’s greatest power. And the United States and Canada make up this enormous area of developed countries in the northern part of the hemisphere."
He also talked about the importance of the nomination of former Chilean Interior Minister José Miguel Insulza to head the Organization of American States (OAS): "We have nominated one of our own, José Miguel Insulza, to be Secretary-General of the OAS, because Chile is a country open to all continents. We are also a country that values multilateralism as a strategic option to create stability among nations, and a country that wishes to give the word ‘cooperation’ a deep and real meaning."
Lastly, he had positive words for the close relationship between Chile and the United States in recent years, manifest not only by the free trade agreement between the two, but also in the excellent state of relations. "Chile and the United States have moved towards a modern, mature relationship, a relationship appropriate for two countries that see friendship and dialogue as a given," he concluded.
Source: www.presidencyofchile.cl Saludos Rodrigo González Fernández, rogofe47@hotmail.com
Lagos inicia viaje a Nueva York
En una breve visita de trabajo, el
Mandatario sostendrá una reunión con el presidente de la Global Investment
Banking de la JP Morgan y recibirá el premio "Gold Insigne" por parte del
Council of the Americas y Americas Society.
El Presidente de la República,
Ricardo Lagos, inició anoche una breve visita a la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados
Unidos, donde recibirá el premio Gold Insigne del Council of the Americas, entidad que
reúne a importantes empresas que realizan negocios con nuestro continente. Las
actividades de la agenda presidencial comenzarán a las 11:30 horas de hoy jueves
en el Hotel Four Seasons, donde el Mandatario sostendrá un encuentro con el
presidente de la Global Investment Banking de la JP Morgan, una de las 60
empresas multinacionales que visualizan Chile como plataforma de operaciones de
alcance regional (entre ellas, los conglomerados financieros Citigroup, Banco
Santander, BBVA, Principal Financial Group y Zurich Group).A las 18:30 horas, en
el edificio del Americas Society, el Jefe de Estado asistirá a un cocktail
ofrecido por The Council of the Americas, para posteriormente participar en la
ceremonia de entrega del premio "Gold Insigne".Las actividades concluirán a las
20:00 horas, con la asistencia del Presidente Lagos y señora a una cena ofrecida
en su honor por el Council of the Americas en el Edificio del Americas
Society.Posteriormente, el Mandatario abordará el avión presidencial de regreso
al país, arribando en el aeropuerto Cerro Moreno de Antofagasta a las 10:1/whttp://www.presidencia.cl/view/viewArticulo.asp?idarticulo=1547?
Presidente Lagos destacó avance de Chile como plataforma de negocios para la región
El Presidente Lagos se reunió con ejecutivos del banco JP Morgan en Nueva York.

Luego de reunirse con los ejecutivos del banco JP Morgan en Nueva York, el Mandatario informó que la entidad trasladará algunas de sus actividades internacionales a Santiago, lo que consolida la posición de Chile como base de negocios para América Latina. "Estaban muy impactados de saber que hay más de 60 empresas que están usando a Chile como plataforma", comentó.Tras el inicio de la breve vista de trabajo que se encuentra realizando a Estados Unidos, el Jefe de Estado sostuvo que el reconocimiento que le entregará esta tarde el Consejo de las Américas "es una ratificación de la situación del país" y agregó que representa "una distinción que tiene que ver con lo que los chilenos hemos sido capaces de hacer en estos años".
El Presidente de la República, Ricardo Lagos, destacó la decisión del banco estadounidense JP Morgan de trasladar parte de sus actividades internacionales a Santiago, ya que ratifica la posición de Chile como una plataforma para la región. "La Casa Morgan, junto al Chase, son bancos muy importantes. Ellos están trasladando a Santiago, en este momento, algunas actividades que desarrollaban en Miami. Hay otras actividades también vinculadas, como todas las compras, que las van a hacer desde Santiago de Chile para el resto de sus casas en América Latina. Por lo tanto, esto habla de entidades que están mirando a Chile como una plataforma desde la cual servir al resto de la región", afirmó tras el encuentro realizado en el Hotel Four Seasons de Nueva York.Durante el encuentro que sostuvo con la prensa luego de reunirse con el presidente de la Global Investment Banking de JP Morgan, Steven D. Black, además de otros ejecutivos de esa compañía, el Mandatario comentó que "estaban muy impactados de saber que hay más de 60 empresas que están usando a Chile como plataforma. Ellos tienen una operación muy exitosa en la India, en Bombay, y probablemente ahora quieren hacer algo parecido, explorar algo para Chile".GOLD INSIGNE

Más tarde, consultado sobre la distinción que le entregará el Consejo de las Américas, entidad que reúne a importantes empresas norteamericanas, el Jefe de Estado señaló que "es una ratificación de la situación del país. Creo que es una distinción que tiene que ver con lo que los chilenos hemos sido capaces de hacer en estos años, el nivel de liderazgo, porque tenemos una política muy definida respecto de lo que es en este momento una visión hemisférica y el rol que se está jugando a través de su mercado bursátil". Explicó que la Gold Insigne tiene una connotación tanto "política como una connotación desde el punto de vista económico, de la seriedad como país y este tipo de situaciones, como la que hemos visto hoy, nos apuntan en esa dirección".DELINCUENCIA EN INFORMATIVOS CENTRALES DE TELEVISIÓN En otro tema, respecto al debate producido a partir de las declaraciones que realizó ayer sobre la importancia que asignan informativos centrales de televisión a hechos delictivos, aclaró que "yo no critico. Para mas info, pique aquí:
Desde la Presidencia de la República: rodrigo González fernandez